اشتراک گذاری

Claims collection extension:

Ability to send SMS to customer and inform about payment time to remind and inform the relevant seller

Ability to show receivables at a glance to check expected inventory per month

Ability to send and receive SMS in the system (thank customer after making timely payment, etc.)

Ability to extract a variety of management and control reports from billing and auditing

Ability to record customer payment date based on initial agreements with customer

Possibility of defining the terms and conditions of invoices or deductions from the date of execution

Ability to record the check payable image and add it to the payment document....

Ability to show good and bad customers

Completely web based and with no limit on the number of users

Ability to display customer debit dashboard

Ability to define smart workflows

Ability to record customer payment information

Ability to register customer account information

Receiving claims
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راهکار مدیریت یکپارچه صنعت
ساختمان و معماری

درخواست مشاوره قبل از خرید

انتخاب درخواست


پسوندهای مجاز : .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .docx

فایل مورد نظر خود را اینجا بکشید
اگر این مطلب برای شما مفید بود لطفا نظرات خود را با ما در میان بگذارید
و یا
میتوانید سوالات خود را از طریق کامنت ها از کارشناسان ما بپرسید .
امتیاز دهید
میانگین امتیاز 0 از 5 - تعداد رای 0

درباره این مطلب دیدگاهی بنویسید


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